Recently just built my new desktop over the new year and decided it was time to replace my 1 of my monitors for a 1440p monitor but honestly have no clue about what to look out for when it comes to 1440p.
Info that might help:
Main uses are gaming/programming and using it as a TV when in bed.
Currently GPU is the MSI R9 390.
Approx £250 would be best but if there isn't any good monitors in this price range I can wait for more funds.
Not looking for anything bigger than 32" preferably.
I've just picked up a 32" Samsung 1440p monitor and am really pleased with it. It replaced a 28" 4K AOC monitor which I had to RMA and it's much better. Unfortunatelty it was approx £380 so outside of your budget.
Thank you everyone for all your input! My 2 favourite are the AOC Q25 and the iiyama but I will probably go for the iiyama for the 1ms response time and freesync.
Obviously I could be wrong with the best value monitor but if someone wants to suggest anything else or has any better opinions please do say as I am very open to suggestions!