1440P Freesync Monitor Help

I need help on deciding which 1440p Freesync Monitor to get. One of the models I have been looking at is the Acer XF270HU (freesync range 40-144hz). I am looking for options and planning to upgrade to Vega when that comes out. I probably should mention that I live in the U.S.

Computer Specs: I7 4770K, Asrock Z97M Killer, 16GB Gskill DDR3 2400MHz, R9 380x 4GB, Evga Supernova 750G, SAMSUNG S24E370DL Monitor

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The Acer looks to be around $550-$600.

I personally own the Pixio PX277 monitor which can be purchased for $400: https://www.buypixio.com/products/px277

FreeSync range is 55-144hz. From what I've read, the Acer XF270HU has an AH-VA IPS panel just like the PX277 does. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the exact same (M270DAN02.3) panel.

If the panels are identical, the things you are paying for then are:

  • Brand name
  • Bezel
  • Monitor Menu software/firmware
  • Coatings if they have some (the Pixio has an anti-glare coating).

So yeah. The list of items in the box showed their address as an office in California. I've talked to their customer service a lot to learn about some Linux specific stuff regarding the monitor (it had issues being recognized on Fedora 25 over HDMI but they pushed a firmware update that fixed it). English was pretty good so I assume it's not just a Korean company with a California office.

Anyway, just pointing it out. Bleed was minimal if-not non-existent.

I went with the ASUS MG279Q, as it ticked the right boxes for me. I wanted the low limit of the freesync range to be the lowest it could be, because of eyefinity.

Beautiful screen, with some bleed on the bottom left on a completely black screen and some ghosting on black&white scenes (IR scopes in Arma3). Haven't tweaked them much yet, so I don't know if a little overdrive will suppress those ghosting instances.

Over here the Asus is ~5% cheaper than the Acer.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I was actually looking at the Pixio. The price is good, but I don't like the Freesync Range of 55-144 vs 40-144. Unless you can change the range of the Pixio. Is there any other 1440p monitors with a better Freesync Range than the Acer?

Thanks! I was also looking at the Asus MG279Q the Freesync Range of that monitor is 35-90hz vs Acer XF270HU 40-144hz. The Asus or Acer would be perfect if the monitor had Asus' bottom range and Acer's top range. They both appear to be the same panel from my research.

The reason why the range has a pretty high minimal range is because it's a lower binned panel compared to the production Acer panels. since 144 is >2.5x 55 that means that the effective range is similar if not wider due to LFC.

I've just got back into gaming a little and needed a new monitor. I was going to go with the Korean one recently tested on the main site, but went with the HP OMEN 32. I haven't had as much luck overclocking it as Wendell did, but it's a great monitor and isn't suffering from any of the image quality problems as most of the gaming type of screens can.

Thanks for the info on LFC! I found the Acer XF270HU for $450 at Best Buy (online) of all places. Some people say that the stand is crap on the Pixio. I think a better binned panel, good stand, better warranty might be worth $50 at least.

Dr. Venkman, how are you and all the other ghostbusters doing? The HP OMEN 32 is 2560 x 1440 but is only 75hz vs 144hz of the Acer XF270HU (found for $450 on Best Buy webstite).

The stand is terrible and it's only worth buying the monitor if you already have an arm like me.

I don't own a monitor arm, so it seems like the Acer is a better deal for me then.

We're all crazy feminists now. The 144Hz thing is lost on me and I hear Acer can be really bad when it comes to quality control.

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