So recently I've been looking at the 1440p monitors and finally decided that I would get one. I was wondering if I should cut on my CPU. I was pondering between an i5 3570k/ i5 4670k and an i7 4770k.
How do they perform on 1440p with an r9 290x?
I don't exactly plan on going CF/SLI but thats a maybe.
Do you guys think the i5 would be future proof?
Technically nothing is future proof. You wouldn't know when any new cpu innovation break through.
An i7 is not necessary for gaming unless you are maybe doing rendering or simply just want it.
the i5 3570k is still a pretty good cpu but if you are building a new PC IMO get the i5 4670k.
At that price point, most cpu won't bottleneck a single gpu.
but the thing is i may go with a dual gpu in the future ex: CF 290x or SLI 770's or maybe even a 690/7990
an FX 6300 can run 2 HD 7970's in cf without an bottleneck, and be 2 fps slower than an i7-3770k with the same setup in bf 3 so yeah. There will be no bottleneck
Dont talk about things you dont understand. First of all. It depends on the game hes playing, second of all, It probobly will in most games. So please, comment somewhere else
I think hoocee12 just generalized. Why be so harsh?
You'll only need an i7 processor if you start doing some pretty high end configurations, such as dual 780ti-s. An i5-4670k should fit your needs just fine.
And yes, some games don't use crossfire/SLI, and some don't scale as well as others.
You really don't need the i7 as many people have already stated and a 4670k should be plenty. That being said you should look at the Xeon 1230 V3. It is essentially a 4770 without an iGPU. It costs about the same or a little more than the 4670k. It is a great option if you don't want to overclock. At higher resolutions the CPU does start playing more of a role in performance. You will get a few more FPS out of the Xeon/i7 then the i5. That being said the GPU is still more important.
For 1440p you want to put most of the money into the GPU. An R9 290(x) would be a great choice. As would the 780Ti. The Ti will perform better but it is a bit more expensive than the 290. So that is your call.
If I were you I'd avoid SLI/Crossfire. Not usually worth the added expense, power, noise, and heat. Too much of a headache (most of the time).
A i7 would be the best choice, since Xeons suffer in games due to low Core-Clocks and no support for 6 / 8 Cores. The 4770K is more than enought, you should invest into some good GPUs - AMD is atm better than nVidia, since Mantle will bring you better compatibility im the future.
The Xeon being talked about here is very different from the Xeons that you're thinking of.
The Xeon 1230v3 is pretty much an i7-4770 without the integrated graphics. It's pretty good for gaming.
Yeah no.
The Xeon 1230 V3 has nearly the same clock speed as the i7 4770. It is a 4770 just without the integrated graphics. It uses 4W less of power as well.
IDK what you mean by no support for 6/8 cores. There are 8+ core Xeons. So I don't really get what you're saying. This particular Xeon has 4 cores with hyperthreading. Just like an i7.
Benchmarked it performs nearly identically to the 4770 except it is $100 cheaper than the i7 you are recommending.
AMD atm is better than nVidia? Because Mantle? No. Right now Mantle is only available in a few games and has less of an impact on higher tier systems. While it may make a difference in the future, at the moment it is a bit moot. A 780Ti will do better than a 290X.
What ever you do for 1440p, get a card with 3GB or more of Vram. Trust me.
I'm planning to go with the i5 over the xeon 1230v3 because of overclockability. It seems to have more performance when you overclock it. I'm just wondering how long it may last and wonder about the whole hyperthreading/more cores ordeal
Go with the i5 4670k and a 780ti, that kind of system is definitely future proof. To be honest CPU's don't make as big of impact on gaming as they used to. Your system will overclock great and if you plan to SLI in the future the i5 will NOT bottleneck your system. I have an i5 in my system and it is great for gaming if that is what you are mainly looking to do.
Thank you! I think i've decided now. But the 780ti is a bit pricey for me. I was planning to get an r9 290/x but they sky rocketed from the crypto-currency. Any other recommendations? Should I just wait till r9 290's drop? Im not in a particular rush, I can kinda wait till the end of march.
R9 290, R9 290X, GTX 780ti
The GTX 780 is a beast as well. Look at the 3GB or more VRAM versions. The extra VRAM will help with the 1440 resolution.
Thank you! I'll look into it. I've only seen the 3GB versions thus far. Do you think the price of the r9 cards will drop anytime soon?
I believe they will drop a little bit over the next couple months, but it may take awhile. Crypto-currency mining is still relatively big, and miners pick up the cards like candy from a pinata.
Dangit. I really wanted to try a r9 290 and a kraken g10. Thank you! So id say maybe summer?
The tech world is highly unpredicatable, but I'm pretty sure prices will calm down by then.
Unless some more crypto-currency thing booms again.
I'm kinda hoping its not. I guess ill use the iGPU until the r9 290 drops in price. I think r9 290>780 when it comes to higher resolution