1440p 120Hz Monitor Prices

What's the cheapest 1440p 120Hz Monitors go for? 


  • To game at frame rates to match 120 Hz at 1440p resolution you will need SLI or Crossfire top-tier graphics cards in your system.
  • The ASUS Swift might be an option, but it will not be cheap.

as amazing as 120-144Hz is if your going 1440p you better have a beast rig to run your games at a fraimrate that justifies the 120hrz I just switched from a 1080p 144Hz asus (great monitor for pro gaming) upto a 1440p http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009C3M7H0/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1    i think at this point in time its probably the best bang for the buck. I cant imagine that even 2 years from now my 2 liquid cooled 780s are going to be running games maxed out at 1440 though. also if you haven't been using a panel that's got a above 60Hz refresh rate i would recommend not upgrading to one yet, downgrading down to 60Hz is kind of a shock. that's all just my 2 cents though, iv also seen some really great cheep panels from monoprice.