Hi guys, not long ago i bought the parts for a new pc build, but now i have to choose the fans, i chose an Atx case which doesnt seem to include them. I can only buy from Amazon or Bestbuy because of shipping
time, what fans do you recommend?
case: http://www.solotodo.com/products/17193-thermaltake-commander-g42-ca-1b5-00m1wn-00/
Last year I got a be quiet! Silent Base 800. I was surprised that the be quiet! Pure Wings 2 fans it came with are MUCH quieter and work better than the Noctua fans that I already had.
hey, those look nice, but 2 would cost me 40 bucks, i was going for sth more budget wise like these corsairs:
Are those be quiet! worth the extra in your opinion? they look sweet
YES! The be quiet! fans are worth it.
It is funny that you ask because I have those exact Corsair fans also. They do work well at pushing a lot of air and made my PC cooler. However, yesterday I was noticing my PC was making fan noise so I retuned my fan curves. It was the Corsair fans making the noise. So I turned the Corsairs down to 35% speed and turned the Silent Wings up to 60% to compensate.
I have White LED fans but my be quiet! case is black and orange, so I painted the fan blades orange and now my lighting is orange.
looks muy bueno, ill see if i have enough $ to go for those, i already spent an arm and a leg on the new PC xD
thats one insane behemoth you have there xD
that must cost much more than mine, seems is a bit old but not bad my friend
The 140mm Fractal Design Silent Series R2 are really quiet and only cost 12 bucks here in the US. Pushes just as much air as Corsair's AF 140mm Quiet Edition for less rpm and much less dB with out all the gimmicky designs (18db). I own a couple. I wouldn't recommend it as a radiator fan, but as an intake/exhaust case fan it's good.
It is only 2 years old, but that is the beauty of PC's. Some parts are much older and some parts are brand new. When I listed all the parts on PC Part Picker I was shocked to learn that my system costs $2,200, but I have had my PC for 15 years and spent that $200 at a time.
When I built the i5 2 years ago, I only had to spend $500 to get started.
Those Fractal look good and are quite affordable, what do you mean by radiator? i guess intake/exhaust is what ill use them for, im noob when it comes to cooling sry x). thanks for your input
i found the Fractals! there is a black edition but idk if there is any differences.
you mean 200 bucks every year? thats amazing , the most i had alive a PC was for about 7 years, but i only upgraded the GPU, my second build lasted 3 years which now im selling, and i hope this new one i got lasts for even longer
absolutely. I wouldn't put anything else in my systems.
Noctua's SP fans are better for radiators, but that's it. When it comes to airflow vs sound, nothing even comes close to PureWings2 or SilentWings2 fans. The latter are slightly more quiet still, but that comes at a hefty premium.
If the BeQuiet ones are out of your price range, look at Fractal rather than Corsair.
More like $200 every month, just kidding. As I said I upgrading my old MB but used my old drives and GPU. Eventually I got a 2nd GPU and then this year a new one. Last year I got the case (because I was tired of having a new PC in a 10 year old case). Then I decided to 'Pimp My PC' and get the orange and red accents. I piece here, a piece there, every couple of months is the best way.
Even though my Haswell mother board seems old, I always buy year old tech to save some money and it still works awesome.
Nice dude, your pc story is inspiring.
and what about this noctuas? They are cheaper but not bad
Black is always better because it fits more cases in terms of color scheme and it's cheaper than the Black & White ver. in the Amazon it seems.
The Noctua ones you've found are probably as good as they get for that price, the color may not fit in your case but the performance is there, it's only roughly 2 bucks more so it all depends on how tight your budget is.
When I mentioned radiator, I meant that some fans aren't design to be optimal for a water cooling radiator like this.
Such as the case for the fractal fans I recommended. The Noctua you found however are designed in a way to be optimal for both case fan and radiator fan. So if you get those and decide to get into water cooling you have to option of repurposing it as a radiator fan. So even though it's 2 dollars more than the fractal fans you do have a better overall value.
Latest fan I've been testing is the Arctic F14 PWM PST CO. Arctic's site is a bit of a pain to link to, as they try to do ip-geoloc and serve different pages depending on how that goes. Here is the US link:
Three of them installed in my case on my top radiator:
Those are double ball bearing fans, the most expensive in the Arctic F14 lineup. I wanted PWM fans, and those didn't break the bank, although kinda pricey at €12. Good warranty though, six years limited. They have Arcitc's PWM sharing thing, that is an extra split off the fan connector so you can chain those ad infinit (or until your psu/mb burns). They don't even start until 40% duty cycle on the PWM signal:
Can be a good thing if you want very quiet operation at idle.
Only thing wrong with the be quiet! SilentWings 3 fans are the price. Looks like a fantastic fan though. I have several of their earlier revision, those are very good fans.
Oh, so they finally released the SW3? I hadn't even noticed.
... (checks bank account) ...
Anyone want to buy 14 SilentWings2 fans?
Yes, just last couple of months I think. At least they started to show up here then. Cheapest for me is mindfactory.de, down to €18.50 at the moment. Last time I checked they were ~€25, so 18.50 looks like a bargain :-D
Edit: And that is the High 1600 RPM version, the slower one is probably cheaper.
At alternate.be (my local go-to place for parts) I'm getting 23.99EUR for the 120mm and 24.99 for the 140mm.
No difference for 3-pin or PWM, also no difference between high and low RPM versions
That's a hell of a lot cheaper than what I paid for my SW2 ones last year.
At that price, the SilentWings3 is a no-brainer.
ok guys i went for the Noctuas NF-A14 FLX 4 pin, they were on discount and the was only 2 left in stock, so i was lucky to get 2 for 30 bucks, i hope my motherboard can support PMW http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=5496#ov
thanks all for your feedback