$1400 pc build your thoughts

this is it: 


im going with a Corsair Carbide Series 330r case

should i go with a single gtx770 or a 2 way sli of something else?

I'll post a more "effecient" build, this is for gaming correct?

and I would really suggest a 200R or a 300R since the 330R's cooling is absolutly horrid

Get a 3xxx series CPU if you are going for a Z77 board.

This is what I would get http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Killerfrenzy96/saved/20d4. The Arc Midi 2 is a really good case.

an amd option

Intel option

Closed loop water cooling is overrated, this is cheaper and cooler than a H100


How about a 780?

missing a case, third party heatsink and SSD but only two of those is optional


updated the build... still havent decided on a case


the phanteks heatsink will perform better than that closed loop water cooler

If you don't get the watercooling get this http://us.ncix.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=47090&vpn=NH-D14&manufacture=Noctua&promoid=1413.

^also a great HeatSink



This is what my friend and I are building the this coming weekend once NCIX ships >_>


i think im going to do an amd build tomarrow


I would recommend a SLi 650Ti which are about equal to a 680. And your motherboard, change it to a Z87 which is more compatible with the i5 4670k.

it is a z87


SLI offers more heat output, more power consumption, takes up Space and potentially micro-stuttering. That and it doesn't offer as much upgradability.

Single gpus are usually the way to go.


ok ty