£1400 Everything Build

So this build actually turns out to be £1279 but any remains on the £1400 will go towards games or whatever.

Multi-purpose build; going to game, render (iMax 3D, Unreal Engine, Adobe CC - is CUDA even necessary for this anymore or will a 280X be a cheaper, better substitute for a GTX 770?) and code. I was also wondering, with the delays in Broadwell production, whether buying a 4770K is worthwhile but I'm not that keen on prolonging the build anymore. Aside from that, I think the other components speak for themselves.

All thoughts welcome. Thanks,



This is the build i've made that is still below 1400. You get more ram, more storage, better cooler, better PSU, and a better GPU. Overall a much better system IMO. 


Although, if you can wait, i'd recommend getting the haswell refresh devil's canyon i7. Better overclocking and more performance. :D