14 years old and want to code

Hey, I'm really thinking about getting into coding, not sure what language or what for but just want some basic coding skills.

I'm 14 and am wondering where's a good place to start

 Thanks :)

It's important for people my age to be interested in coding as not many people my age are, people my age just buy games and programs made by people that where born 30-20 years ago when to use a computer you had to code

Java holds a special (if in-secure) place in my heart. It has a brilliant philosophy of code once run everywhere. Its also a great language to learn you want to do Android development.

C and its variants are also very good to know, quite similar to Java and will run just fine on Windows and Linux systems. Also learning either of these will greatly improve the speed at which you will learn the other.

Python seems pretty popular atm, with our university cramming the first years with it this week.

I personally started with Java, although you may wish to start else where.

Started getting into it when I was 13. (15 now but haven't touched any code in while)

Doesn't really matter what language you start with from what I can tell. Once you learn one language, the concepts carry over to the other, just with different syntax.

I'd say it mostly depends on what you want to make with your programming skills. If you want to get into making games and such, you'd prolly want to start with some sort of C variant. Or as zanginator said, Java for android development. 

I personally started on C++, but I have recently fallen in love with C#. Like others have said, pretty much any c-based language (don't tell anyone I said this, but they're all basically the same).

I personally wouldn't learn java just because of the programming environment (VS kicks Eclipse's arse). However, java is the only language that I actually know how to make any kind of graphics for, so if you want to do that, I don't know how difficult is is in other languages (not counting web pages in ASP.NET).

I'd also look into getting a internship if you can. I too have been programming since about 14, and I managed to luck into a job my junior year (be it not for programming). After a while I made a iOS app, android version of the same thing, and for the last year there I have been redoing their old asp classic pages on their internal server for inventory. I learned more than I can imagine through this, including things they don't teach in college. I literally brought up lambdas to the pres. of the AMCS club and he was like 'what are lambdas'. I felt like such a boss.

Anyway, good luck. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. 

From the information you people have told me (THANKS) I have made a decision to go with Java but what program do I use to code with Java


I'd start with Python. If you want to go into a corporate environment I'd learn Java.

I started with Microsoft QBasic which came with DOS, it had this excellent in-ide-documentation which made it so easy to explore the language, every function was there, with examples.

Don't start with basic though.
I'd say C, and maybe use something like SDL, it is a small language with relatively straightforward syntax and not many deep concepts, but it will teach you something about memory and how computers work.
Eclipse is a nice IDE, otherwise Code::Blocks is also pretty okay.



Most importantly, remember, it's not about the language, or tools, programming is programming, be it assembler, machinecode, c, java, .net or javascript, it's code.. It's about thinking, just pick one and have fun with it.
You DONT need to learn VI[/M]/Emacs to code, you're most likely better off without, those tools have their place and uses, and you learning to code is likely not going to be one of them... A nice IDE with code-completion is much more useful for you at this stage.

check this site  ... they will teach you to code for free


Beat me to it.

Get your self Eclipse and Vi (More so if you ever run linux) and maybe dabble a little with Visual studio, I personally love the looks of VS over any other IDE.
I started with Python as I prefer scripting over actual programming, I learned HTML and CSS at college along with a dip of VB.net, hated that language though.

just read up on each and look at what you think suits the project at hand, learn that way, you will have a nice rounded base then

I have learnd java in school, with bluej, which is desinged for beginners it was very easy to use , and a lot of fun. So i would recommend java with bluej .http://www.bluej.org

Eclipse works just dandy and is perfectly fine. If not use netbeans or just code it raw in notepad like I used to.

just gonna throw my two cents in on this.


java is a perfectly fine language to start with. eclipse is a perfectly fine ide for programming java, it also supports several other languages. that said, there is one requirement to ANY ide you decide to use and that is a color theme editor. either native or by plugin. for eclipse i personally use this one


i use the sublime text theme. just any darker theme, you head will thank you because it will reduce eye strain and less chance of headaches. very useful

I learned Java with Notepad++ and JDK.  I find IDEs a bit complex, but I've only done relatively simple programs.

A little overkill for getting started. All the options in Eclipse can be a little overwhelming for someone completely new to the world of programming. 

I'd suggest starting with vi, javac and java, then when he masters the basics, move on to Eclipse or IntelliJ. 

haskell, o'caml, python, ruby, F#, C#, C++, C, obj-C, perl, D, lua, java, javascript

go make download all the necessary dependacies for those languages then start making stuff you want to make with them, follow tutorials, google it

after a few months you'll probably know what type of language you don't like coding in and what you do like

or netbeans (some dont like it but I do).

Also handy to learn how to write psuedocode so you can apply it to any coding language.


yes psuedocode is important. i dont write much of it myself but for things like algorithm design its incredibly useful. also can help if you think you know how to solve a problem, write out some basic idea of how it should work and then work through it. also learn UML, its not a language necessarily. just diagram with symbols that relay important information

I'd say C#. I dont know what you wanna make but I started with Unity an C# and that has been great.