$1300 PC build help

Hey guys,I'm looking to make a pc build form this website http://www.umart.com.au/

I'm new to finding parts so if you could help that would be great. Gaming pc of course.I could push my budget to about $1400 if needed 

I'm not looking to overclock in the future I just want a machine that will last a few years of high performance gaming 

I already have an operating system, mouse, keyboard and monitor

thanks in advance 

No way. Build your own man. For $1400 you could build a nice gaming rig, and a new monitor.

Listen to the Cathsy. 

This is a bit over budget, but you could cut some off going with cheaper ram and a physical HDD instead of a SSD.  That is just the options I would pick in your position.

I am extremely envious of you Americans. I fully back Hexavier's suggestions. 
