$1250 build, need help

So I'm going to do a new build and my budget is $1250


I need an OS and also a nice monitor.


This build is strictly for gaming.


Can you help me out :( 


What do you guys think?


Size doesn't matter, just best performance for the money. 

i made this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3syIp

I think this would be a very nice and decent gaming rig. it will run any game max on 1080p.

i also made an intel option: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3syUL

Let me know what you think.

Grtz Angel ☺

Tried to fit an SSD in there without skimping on any components.  If you feel it is too pricy, just remove the SSD.


Thank you!

Thank you!