The reason for the 550W PSU was due to PC Part Picker giving me the estimated wattage and I wanted to pick one that was 25% more than what I would've needed after SLI'ing with 2 cards. I didn't even think of the build quality at the time I selected it, I was bascially going off the reviews on it. I think I'm going to bump that up to a SeaSonic M12II 620W. Thank you for the suggestion that lead me to it.
As for the H60 I saw on a PC Build episode on Tek Syndicate that Logan recommended it and I read reviews on it and it seemed like a good investment. I took a look into the one that gigabusterEXE suggested and I like that one, unless someone can give me a good reason to get the H80 that costs more.
I had the HD7970 as my pick, but I figured that the extra power consumption wasn't worth the extra cost for the PSU that's why I went with the Nvidia equivalent. If the HD 7970 is faster and cheaper then I'm all for it.
Also as for the 90GB SSD, the programs I have on it now don't take up more than 50gigs on my partitioned drive I have right now, but seeing as it's only $15 more to get the one that witteknokkels is suggesting I think I'll take a piece of both of your advices and get it.
I'm looking at that PSU Cooler as I type this and I agree with that recommendation it's only about 2 dollars more and it seems like an easier unit to install, thanks for that!
I'm definately going with your suggestion of a 120GB SSD, I had heard of ADATA thanks to the PC build vids on TekSyndicate but I didn't know they were THAT good, thank you very much for informing me.
Seeing as I only plan on going to 4.0Ghz or maybe higher if temps allow, I think gigabusterEXE's suggestion of the TPC812 will be the way to go, but again a good reason for getting an H80 might change my mind.
After looking into your suggestion of the XFX GPU (which I didn't know anything about the company) I think that's a good suggestion.
I'm curious to know why you're recommending a 750W PSU when even with 125% of estimated power usage is only 580W. Is there a reason to having a PSU that is almost 300W more than I need that I don't know about? So far I'm thinking of bumping that up to a SeaSonic M12II 620W, but if I can get a good reason to bump that up further I'll take a look into it.
Thank all three of you for your advice/suggestions, here is the link to the parts I'm thinking now: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/jAeN
As before any suggestions are welcome, and thank you again.