1155 vs 1156 socket?


My mobo recently kicked the bucket, and I've been looking into buying a EVGA P55 LE Motherboard off of a friend. It's 1156 socket though, and I have a 1155 socket processor.  Will this still work? Also, I need to know whether or not I can use my current RAM. It runs at 1333 MHz.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

~CG Impulse

No, sorry the motherboard will not work. I know it seems close, it only being one pin away, but it won't work. The sockets have to be the same. I'm sorry for your luck. A mobo dying really sucks. 

I am not sure about the RAM. The ram might work, but it deppends what DDR version you RAM is and if the MOBO supports it. I'm guessing your RAM is DDR3, see if his motherboard supports DDR3, but it's probably not worth it since the processor won't work. 

I'm sorry about your luck. Good Luck though!