1155 Socket?

Where in the hell can i buy a 1155 socket motherboard? do they even sell them anymore? Currently i have a P8Z77-V LX. I tried to run a cpu overclock program but it said that there is no BIOS installed on the motherboard. When i start my computer it boots straight into windows without even giving me the option to go into the bios. If you either have an answer to where i can buy a 1155 socket motherboard (preferably a asus p8z77 modeled one), or have an answer to how i can fix my motherboard to let me overclock my cpu i would love to hear it. Thank You!!!!

Reset your CMOS.

try mashing the delete key, F1, F2 or whatever the button is that supposed to load the bios as soon as you turn on your computer. If that dosent work, unplug your os drive, that should give it no other option than to boot to bios. BTW I'm pretty sure windows wouldn't work let alone anything if your mobo did not have a BIOS

maybe fast boot enabled?

There should offcourse be a way to get into the bios. Hit the del key wen power on.

Whenever I reset my CMOS I get a black screen for some reason my computer won't display and I have to click the memok button on my board for it to even display picture

If removing HDD and mashing cmos wont work, than actually take the battery off of your mobo, wait 30 seconds, and put it back in. Try that.

First up you will definitely have a UEFI/BIOS but with Windows 8.1 and fast boot you don't get much time to get into it. The software over-clock tool you tried to use is simply not compatible with your board, just get rid of it.

After re-seting the BIOS and getting a blackscreen you need to press 'Mem OK' because whatever the default memory settings are, they are not compatible with your RAM. I have seen this a few times and the Mem OK feature is quite useful for dealing with that - but it does mean your memory might not be optimally set-up.

I have a Z87 asus board and you need to be quick after switching on the PC with either the DEL or F2 key to get into the UEFI/BIOS. 

Hope you get there, because buying new board sure is an expensive way to solve the problem - also you could try a different keyboard or plug your keyboard into a different USB socket (or even PS2 if you have it).