1080p IPS Monitors?

Hi wonderful tek syndicate forum members,

Recently, more like the past year honestly, I've been wanting to make a switch from a 21.5 inch Asus TN panel I've had for 5+ years to an IPS monitor. It's been something I've wanted but due to finances it just hasn't happened. Whenever I would get the money together I'd decide I needed a new processor, motherboard, case, psu, a graphics card... even bought a car in the time frame, but I've yet to make a purchase on a monitor. Soooo now I'm back in a spot were I don't really have the funds for a korean or major brand 1440p IPS monitor and I was curious if there were any sub 200 dollar IPS monitors anyone could recommend. I'm no expert so please try to look back any ideas I have that sound ludicrous to a more informed individual. I am aware of color depth, 6-bit, 8-bit, 10-bit etc. My concern about getting a 1080p IPS is the color depth will be lack luster, that of a tn panel. This could be a poor assumption and I know resolution is separate from color quality and clarity but do most 1080p IPS monitors do worse at color reproduction than many of there 1440p counterparts? I want to switch to IPS real bad and in an attempts to switch I feel like I'm trying to justify a purchase of a 1080p version rather than waiting a little more once again and purchasing a $300+ korean ips monitor. To summarize my ranting, would it be worth while to buy a $200 or less 1080p IPS monitor or should I wait and get a korean 1440p IPS? If there are any 1080p ips monitors that you guys would recommend if you think it's a good idea to purchase one in the first place; please share which one.

As always, I appreciate any input. 
Many thanks,


First and foremost, the color reproduction of  an IPS panel will never be that of a TN-Panel, period. That has nothing to do with the resolution, it's just a different technology. And IPS will allways do better in that regard. IPS panels are in every way superior to TN, except that TN is faster for gaming. The clarity of your image has a lot to do with pixel density in both cases. I recently picked up a 27" 1080p IPS-Panel from LG just for gaming and it was a good choice for that purpose because I tend to sit a bit further away from the screen when i game. But for my work-monitor I like the higher pixel density of my 3140x1440.

It's also depends on your usage scenario. What are you doing with the monitor? For work, I would choose 1200p over 1080p, because it's a better experience IMHO. For gaming, 1080p is just fine. 1440p requires some serious horsepower to be driven properly in games.

paragraphs are useful. you'll get more feedback. bullet points can help as well.

There was an article I read recently about a particular LG IPS panel that actually had worse color reproduction than many TN-panels, hence my concern about a cheaper IPS monitor. Wish I had a link for the article. The concern wasn't self fabricated is what I'm trying to get at. Haha. But here are some question/concerns. First some information to help.

  • I have a GTX 670 4GB graphics card and will probably be purchasing a 970 within the year.
  • The computer is mainly for gaming, some netflix but past that just everyday computer usage (youtube, netflix, forums.)
  • I'm not really concerned about refresh rates and even losing frames if I jump to 1440p, dreams of becoming a competitive gamer died long ago.
  • What I want most is a more 'genuine' gaming experience. I want to see how games were truly meant to be seen. I don't think I've ever had the luxury of even viewing an IPS panel in person.
  • I sit pretty close to my monitor, maybe because it's only a 21.5"? Thought it was worth mentioning.
  • Now some concerns/questions
  •  1080p over 27 inches seems like poor ppi and I've heard people mention this, but you seem to be comfortable with it "ChrisG." Any more comments on this?
  • What brands and models would be recommended for a sub $200 budget 

    Hmm, feel like there's still more information I should give but I don't know what. Any more questions feel free to ask, any help is nice.

I have a 24" 1080p monitor (admittedly 60hz TN) and when I was trying out my friend's 27" 1080p I did think the PPI was too low. So I recommend at least 1440p resolution for 27", and for 31.5" I think 4k would probably be a requirement. Haven't tried out 4k though.

I'd say, wait, save your money and get a decent IPS monitor as your next upgrade. You'll be staring at the thing for the entire time that you use your computer.

4k is overkill for a monitor that is 32 inches. also, when you consider how much you'd need to spend on your hardware to drive it and the lack of 4k content it really isn't worth the money.

Thank you all for sharing. I think I'm going to agree with Relinquis. I've already waited a long time, a few more months isn't long in relation. And yeah, I've had this monitor since I first built this computer and the 2 major upgrades I've made to it. Honestly a whole new computer at this point, minus the optical drive, haha. Think I'll save and get a korean IPS 1440p that will last me a good while. No 4k for me, at least for now... who knows what will come in the next few years but I share the same feelings about them. Just not worth it yet.

if you have a decent TV, i would find a cheep way to use it for content consumption. I use my blu-ray player's Vimeo app to watch all the vimeo clips on my 42 inch TV rather than my laptop or secondary monitor.

I don't think u need to upgrade the entire system atleast for now.Your system configuration is fast enough for current generation of games.But as far as i know you just need a perfect monitor for this PC configuration rather than a TN panel.Since you are in tight budget for purchasing a good quality monitor I would suggest Dell S2240L 21.5 inch IPS monitor.This is an affordable monitor and value for money.Picture quality is so amazing.It would be more good with the grahics card u have.I seriously recommend this to you.