105 Million USD stolen in Ethereum Heist, ICO market to blame


I’ve been saying it for months, but even I didn’t think it would come this soon.

If you’re long on ETH, wait to buy because the price is going to absolutely crater.


well i guess im not selling out for a few months

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To get rich quick with shitcoins
In one moment
Would you capture
All this flawed multisig?

His knees were shaking, bags were heavy
There's ICOs in his wallet already, Mom's Spaghetti
Looks at the exchanges but coinbase ain't ready,
Haircuts all around but and he keeps forgettin'
The DAO already, the tech ain't ready,
there's no hard fork this time, just eatin mom's spaghetti


The question is whether or not Ether will ever rise back up again.

Now that difficulty has doubled and a huge scandal I wouldn't bet shit on it ever getting about 20 bucks a coin after it crashes.

Hmm wonder if there are some cheap 480s for sale now


if there is, you should start mining on the new fork chain:

less competition == more mining reward

Maybe someone did this on purpose. The creators of the coin could have easily set this one up and went for a quick cash-out when it became obvious the value and hype couldn't get any better. I bet they find a backdoor soon that was exploited.

Hmm is that illegal?
I know its sort of insider trading etc, but do any laws of that kind apply to crypto currancy?

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That's a good point. It is publicly traded, just not on the official stock exchanges. Oops, shouldn't have said that, now the feds will see the excuse to shut crypto currency down:)

Yeah, well an excuse other than the fact they can't really control it :slight_smile:
How dare the people essentially invent their own currency and use it to trade for goods of value.

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Especially when they print the stuff and put it into circulation. The government lets them because they collect taxes every time it trades hands and they can do everything on credit. We use it and trade our actual sweat and real goods for it, and all we get in return is more sweat and continued loss of actual goods. Hell, maybe I will have to move over to E-money:)

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Good. Hopefully some of the hobbyist miners will panic and sell off their cards a bit cheaper to make ROI.

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For the confused (aka me):

ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

But who/What is DAO?

the article explains that it was a glaring security hole in a very common ERC20 wallet. We know how it was carried out.

Exit scam maybe a cause, could explain the limited initial attack's range.

Not until the SEC gives a shit. Right now it's in a grey area. the ICO launcers don't think they have a fiduciary duty because no one's been arrested yet. ICOs are securities at best, and will likely be regulated as such as soon as the first warrants go out

You newbies are obnoxious. The DAO was one of the first dApps (we were calling them that instead of ICOs when it launched) that imploded after a massive theft following their launch. The ethereum devs were in bed with the launchers and hard forked the chain to exit cleanly and make all their buddies money.


How long have I been saying it

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I've seen these news but both used and new GPU in stores and on auction sites are still priced at all time highs as far as I can see. Besides the crypto markets also recovered notably and it's not implausible to expect crypto prices to go up again. The idea of a decentralized currency is still pretty tempting.

Perfect, as long as the large miners lay off long enough, I'll be gearing up with Vega cards for the winter :fire::house:

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Shouldn't be long now:

