I’ll cut right to the chase here. I have an Arista 7060CX-32S that I purchased but have no idea what the admin username or password is (I can get to the logon screen via console cable). Closest to enterprise networking hardware I have gotten to is Ubiquity, so this quite a bit different.
I have several machines, including a couple Epyc severs, with Mellanox GX-5 100GB adapters and would like to get them running on this switch. Anyone out there willing to help me with this?!?!?!
I had already looked at that documentation before posting, but was getting stumped where the doc said the recovery process (when you dont know the password) still required a command to be run from a “Privileged EXEC prompt”. How could I enter a password at a command prompt I can get access to? Then I thought about it a little more (especially since you referenced the doc as well) and re-read the part about interrupting the boot process, so I plugged the console cable in, powered up the switch, and started the Putty Session and got to the Privileged EXEC prompt… Ran the “fullrecover” command and it did its thing.
Appreciate your willingness to help. Lets see how far I can get now!
I successfully created a new admin password to the switch. I was also able to configure the management port to my network, and can log onto the switch over the 1GB management interface now.
Looks like the Mellanox cable I am using from the switch to the Connect-X 5 adapter is not going to work. Got a message on the switch saying the transceiver was disabled because its not qualified.
Does anyone have an idea for where I could get a 100GB cable that will work with this? Or is there a way I can over ride this and make the switch accept the cable I have?
Most enterprise switches have some sort of process for this; there’s either a physical reset button or you reload the switch and interrupt the boot process with a serial break (or other key press via console cable) and boot with special options from the boot loader. Glad you got it sorted though!
I bought one of the 100GB Arista DAC cables as well as one of the 100GB to 4x 25GB breakout cables… They showed up today, but so far I havent been able to get them to work. The link status always shows as being down. I tried to find the commands to bring the link up and down, but couldn’t seem to find it in the documentation as of yet. Having said this, when I plug in the Mellanox branded cable, it immediately reports the cable as being not supported, bla, bla, bla, but I get NO message whatsoever when plugging in one of the Arista DAC cables. Not sure how this switch is supposed to behave by default. Any ideas on what I should try? Again, the switch has been reset to a default config, with the exception of me changing the management port so I can get to the switch via my network.
localhost#show interfaces status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type Flags
Et1/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et2/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et3/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et4/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et5/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et6/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et7/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et8/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et9/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et10/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et11/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et12/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et13/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et14/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et15/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et16/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et17/1 errdisabled 1 full 100G 100GBASE-AR4
Et18/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et19/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et20/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et21/1 notconnect 1 full 100G 100GBASE-CR4
Et22/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et23/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et24/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et25/1 notconnect 1 full 100G 100GBASE-CR4
Et26/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et27/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et28/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et29/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et30/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et31/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et32/1 notconnect 1 full 100G Not Present
Et33 notconnect 1 full 10G 10GBASE-CR
Et34 notconnect 1 full 10G Not Present
Ma1 notconnect routed auto auto 10/100/1000