1000$ pc gaming canadian

I live in Canada,Quebec,Montreal.

I usualy like to buy stuff at one store so i can save money.

I will use this PC for Gamming,Media,Photoshop,Video Editting, Creating Mini Video Games (using cryengine stuff like that), [Battlefield 4]

I never overclocked a pc in my life so i dont really know how to do it but i think i can figure it out.

I dont want any Over Heating problems please ;) No trolling please

i will be using Windows 7

i have 1000$ at the momment you can go over a little but not much please

I play videogames that are as realistic as possible like Battlefield 3, Crysis 3, and will be playing battlefield 4 in the future! :D I love strategy and first person shooters. My current pc plays battlefield 3 and i can play it only at 28 fps average sometimes it goes down to like 19-17 and i really hate it.

This Rig will be more design to have a good Battlefield 4 expirience with good FPS like 60 or more average.

I render some stuff like a map on cryengine, photoshop for 3D, 3D max for mini videogames.

I have a list but its too much money for everything so i need to lower it down by changing stuff

I like my case Compact so i can travel with my pc.

Thanks Guys for the ideas

So far i came up with this build I would like you guys to Improve it and suggest things.

Current build: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/1xHqG



Get a 7200 rpm drive.
