Hey guys.
Building my second computer. Budget of less than 1000...would like it less than 900$ ideal because i still have to spend 65 for windows OS.
Let me know what you guys come up with. I have both AMD and Intel build set up on PCpartspicker but I'd like to see what yall come up with.
Must have an overclockable board (this will come later when i want to spend more moolah on a good fan)
I would like at least 1440p gaming at least. Ex: BF4, ARMA 3, and new games for the next few years.
Must support Crossfire or SLI respective to the hardware. Trying to make this future proof...ish...
If you guys find a good case with a good airflow that would be awesome. Right now I'm trying to keep the price of the case under 100$...do like me some black sleek design. :) would prefer a window because if im spending that much money on a PC, I'm gonna wanna gawk at its beauty... :)
CPU at least quadcore please... :)
Love the community here.Thanks for any help in advanced guys. Feel free to send me some PCpartspicker links.
Well theres this awesome site that might be what you're looking for. Found out about it on a Vsauce DONG. It even provides for over clocking and stuff like that, kind a like pc part picker, but more UX based intead of just input.
Here ya go:
I came up with this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GPBrLk
I think this would be a nice base build to start with, the Sapphire 290 TriX OC is a very decent card for 1440p gaming, I did not choose for a cpu cooler right away, because the stock cooler would be fine for now to save money, can allways be added later on. I further choose for a i5-4690K cpu, simply because this a great cpu for gaming. The Msi Z97 Gaming 5, is a decend gaming motherboard, which basicly has all the functions you would need. except sata express, but i dont think that would be a big deal.
Further the EVGA 850W Bronze powersuply is offcourse way overkill for this build, however, if you ever plan on a second sapphire 290 tri X OC, you have plenty of watts to do that.
I did choose for an SSD, but you dont realy need one, if you wanne keep the costs under $1000,- you could decide to skimp on the SSD for now, and again add one later on.
awesome guys. thanks for the tips. I pretty much went with what yall suggested. different mobo but that is a pretty good one. Thanks!