I was just wondering if I could get some opinions of my build. Did some research on some of the parts but I haven't been keeping up to date with new tech so well.
Anywho: Budget:~1000 Country: Canada
Peripherals: Just need monitor
The computer will be for gaming (Dota2 and somewhat future proof for upcoming games) I have an OS already and will do basic OC to GPU maybe little on CPU. As for the monitor I have zero clue on what is what. 1080 is all I need and 23 or 24inch kind of thing.
As you can see, it is over budget. I originally wanted a GTX770 but that bumped it up more but I am afraid that it might be better overall to spend a bit extra on a 770. I am trying to get that price down but it seems hard when having a monitor in there. Would your recommendations be to stick with around $1200 to get better quality or am I just being silly with some of my choices? Deff would prefer $1000 but if it is worth it by a decent amount to go over, I will maybe just pull my pants up and take the hit.
here's a system without a monitor that's $26 over budget...
here's something $25 over budget that fits your needs... with an Asus 23.8" IPS monitor...
I'd recommend sticking with the GTX 770... you'll be able to do a lot more with it and it'll last longer... I run the FX 6300 on a lil better mobo at work... good CPU, not a speed demon but nothing you'll complain about for gaming and it's a good overclocker on the 212 EVO.... I've got it at 4.3 GHz
Now this is with a monitor and some cheaper but still quality parts. To note, I dashed the 240GB SSD in favor of a 120GB SSD and a WD 1TB Blue. It's going to be cheaper and allows for more storage. Unless online games is what you primarily play, you can change that back but this is what I think would be better for you. Also, in this build, the monitor is a bit smaller. This is just to save you money in all honesty. I left the 770 in there because you wanted to future proof your machine and this will help do that.
So, this is still over budget but not to the extent that your build was. In this case, it is hard to keep within the budget without cutting a few corners. If you are really afraid of going over, I would consider either downgrading the GPU or dropping the monitor. Panda has more experience than I do, so I recommend taking what he/she has posted to serious consideration. I am just providing another option but listen to Panda first.
P.S. When picking out parts, try to find combo deals and try to keep the Base Total around your budget. Rebates are stupid, take too long to process, and give a better idea of what the true price estimate of your build would be if left out.
Awesome you guys, you have really helped me out a lot! Also thanks for the tip New Guy, some how I completely forgot about combo deals -_-
I was thinking about going with an AMD chip, I just really don't know much about them. After I do a little more research and seeing these builds, I am deffinatly going to go with an AMD CPU.
Now it is just up to me to do some research into the 6300 and 8320 and get a better idea of what they are capable of and which will suit my needs the best. I am willing to go over budget by a bit if it includes the monitor.
Just a heads up NCIX is having a really good promo with AMD + mobo combos. I can't find the Gigabyte 970 + 8320 for $220 anymore but this deal is pretty decent.
Lots of people have good builds. Mine bares lots of similarities as the others, slight change in Case PSU and Mobo. While $1000 is a good price to have a computer, making a jump to $1200 does allow for some added benefits. I recommend you go for $1100, upgrade the motherboard to a 990fx board, get a better CPU cooler and a better case/ get an ssd. They aren't game changing upgrades, but they'd be nice to have.