So I want to build a new gaming machine as the PC I have now is pretty old (5 years I think?)
I don't have that many requirements, but I'd like
- an ssd
- the ability to run dual monitors
- a decently nice minimalist look (like a bitfenix, or R4 style)
I currently have a CX600m from a sale a couple weeks ago, so I don't need a PSU. For graphics, I was debating between a 290x or 970. Thanks!
(From Canada)
This is what i would do if i had a thousand dollors to spend on a pc. The only thing i would change is the gpu. i would upgrade it to the 970 because it just has more power. its more efficiant and if your paying the power bill you will make your money back in power savings. heres the 970 build
I'm going to have to disagree with airtonylee on three things:
- The i7 4790K is way overkill for gaming. An i5 4690K will work plenty fine.
- You can get a better drive than the PNY for cheaper. You can get the OCZ ARC100 or the SanDisk X110 for example.
- You won't recoup your money on the power savings by going to a 970 unless you gamed for a decent amount every day for a few years. And I would consider the R9 290X and the GTX 970 more as equals in performance, which one is better depends on which games are being looked at.