$1000 Dollar Upgrade for PC

Hello there, I'm wanting to upgrade my existing Gaming/Editing/Streaming pc for about 1000 usd. this would be the actual pc as well as monitors (i only have a 1600x900 monitor at the moment) I would like to keep as much of the build the same as possible to get better upgrades as this is not a new build from scratch. my build is on this pcpartpicker link. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3xXze if i were to add any cooling other than stock i would need to get a different case because my diablotek is not compatible with any other cooling. I would like to get to overclock soon and MUST have an i7 4770k in this build. I have no prefrence for radeon or Nvidia for graphics cards so that is up to you

Just to clarify, the parts you posted is what you are using right now?


Can you link your chassis?

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3xYz7 Keep the mobo, half the ram, psu and use the 1600x900 as a side monitor. If you want to overclock then you'll need a better case and better than stock cpu cooler. 

The parts i posted are what i'm using right now, and my chasis is the diablotek evo http://diablotek.com/v2.0/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=36&category_id=59&flypage=tpflypage.tpl&page=shop.product_details&product_id=97&vmcchk=1&Itemid=36

If you are editing, you want CUDA. GTX 760: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130932

get the rest of what thecaveman suggested, except add a 750w PSU. Perfect system.

the 760 isnt enough upgrade for me in my opinion when my 650 ti boost is already beating most 660's right now

What I'd get


For a little more...


a 27" 1440p monitor would be killer for editing.

Unless anyone has something better I'm going to go with one of your 2 builds (probably the 1440p one) and grab an MSI card so I can watercool later.