$1000 build

Overclocking is changing the clock speed of your CPU, GPU, RAM to something higher than the clock speed they will run at out of the box. Manufacturers of components run them at lower clock speeds to increase stability, let them guarentee their parts will work for a year etc. Most modern components are capable of higher speeds than what the come set at. Higher speeds let the components do more work in the same amount of time. With overclocking you get higher performance from lower cost parts and a higher FPS (Frames Per Second) than you would without overclocking. There are some risks but they can usually be minimised and mitigated. If your going to overclock you will need an after market CPU cooler but you can pick up a decent one like the Coolermaster Hyper 212 EVO for around $35 from newegg that should allow for low overclock. There are lots of resources on this site and youtube tuts etc that will show you how to overclock whatever parts you buy. It doesn't take a long and if you do it properly and carefully you shouldn't run into any major problems. It's free performance and in my opinion it's worth it. Hope I helped.

well damn looks sick... thanks dude 

NP :) Glad I helped. note that it comes with a free game Metro: Last Light if you order it there. not sure about buying somewhere else. I'm not in the US soooo..... yeah.

Note that you cannot go crazy in overclocking your cpu. the Hyper 212 is a good cooler for its value but not for EXTREME overclocking. 4.2ghz should be fine.

I agree with iAsuno, you don't want to try and run it at a max overclock for stability reasons, especially if you intend on using this for school. Just a nice little one, and you'll be happy with the performance.

this could play most games http://www.amazon.com/gp/cart/view.html/ref=gno_cart