just getting into pc and have put together several parts lists but cant pull the trigger. im wanting to build a beast of a gaming computer for a round $1300, might do a little bit of video editing. just want to do 1 gpu right now and add anouther later on. (id like to keep all the different colors to a minimum)
just wanted to get as many peoples thought on build parts brands ect. befor buying.
any and all help is much appreciated
this is what ive come up with so far: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1tfmC
With OS - http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Killerfrenzy96/saved/2crU
Do you need an OS, Keyboard, Mouse etc...
If you're going to do any editing, I would suggest an SSD and Intel CPU. Heavy editing, I would go for the 4770k and a 7970.
This will be more than enough for light editing and will be amazing for gaming.
You can overclock pretty darn heavily with the motherboard and cooler.
Great quality SSD from Samsung.
The 7970 will be more than enough for 1080p.
The power supply will allow for another 7970. It's also made by SeaSonic. I high tier company.
sweet... thanks for all the info
this may help, i made a video on a £1000 Pc build on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H8RxaRrEMc
This is what I would get with your budget: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1ySQx
Keep in mind that if you have a Micro Center near you that you can pick up the CPU for only $200, and they'll take $50 off the motherboard for buying the CPU with it.
The i5 should be enough for occasional video editing, and it will definitely work great with gaming too. The 7970 will be awesome for 1080p gaming, and the PSU will always allow you to throw another card in for Crossfire if you choose to. The SSD is the fastest performing SSD on the market right now, and the 2TB of hard drive space will give you plenty of storage. The 16GB of RAM is more than adequate, and will be very good for video rendering as well. Not to mention that you get an ROG board, which will be fantastic for overclocking, and a CPU cooler that will enable you to do so while still matching the color scheme.
I chose Windows 8 over Windows 7 simply because Windows 8 is lighter on system resources and is faster as a result. Not to mention that you can always install "Start is Back" which will give you a fully functioning start button and allow you to boot straight into desktop without having to deal with the metro interface.
sweeet thanks for the input