$10,000 Gaming/Movie Editing PC Part Help

I'm not good with picking parts for computers, but I know how to build one perfectly well. I'm in the movie making industry and my son and I enjoy occasional gaming. I want a computer that will be able to handle any editing software/programs, I want it to be able to handle 3D rendering as well as run all the newest games at at least 60FPS on Ultra. My budget is $10,000-$12,500 any help is appreciated please put it in PCPARTPICKER. Also don't just randomly put a GTX Titan in there or an Asus Ares 2 just because they are expensive I may have a high budget but I also would like it to be cheap as possible and I want performance. I want AT LEAST 12TB of storage in HDD and at least 500GB in SSD space, I would like Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit as well, thank you. I'm also open to any suggestions as well as having two separate PC's one for gaming and one for working

i will poke around and try to piece together an editing rig and a gaming rig for $10,000. my only question is will you be happy with a workstation type rig for editing or do you want a normal home user style rig.


I would say quad 7970 6GB for gaming, or quad Titans for editing. The Titan has terrible price/performance, though. Either way, you will get an insane watercooled monster :)

i was thinking more along the lines of a workstation graphics cards on a dual 16 core amd server mobo. and a gaming rig with a 7970 with a amd 3850. with out know his personal preference to how he wants it to be done i dont want to go digging up info on a useless build.

edit  an $8,000 dollar editing rig and a $2,000 max gaming rig would out perfrom an all in one by a large margin.  for rending times and for playing games. i would say intel for the editing but i think the amd route would be a little better in price to performance.  but this is all on personal preferance to the end user not the designer of the systems's

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/I3nR - theres a 8000$ system the fans are noisy but have the best airflow for the watercooling system 

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/I3tH - just gaming 2700$

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/I3C6 - work station 6500$

the only reason i added a h80i to the work station is to keep the cpu cool

i recommend buying each one sepperate.


hypnotic rift please comment on what you would prefer two systems or one and how you would prefer the systems to be. or system if you want an all in one. there are just to many possibilities open with the requirements you have given. in the end it is up to you i just want the end user/users seeing as how your son will be using it as well opinion's 

agreed ^^^^


Try looking at this one, it has a dedicated card for rendering and two Titans, as well as a PCI-e SSD, two standard SSD, 16 TB of HDD, and 32 GB of RAM. I don't think that you would ever be in want of speed for this, and each of the graphics capable devices sports 6 GB of VRAM, so, yeah. Just make sure to select what color you want the inside of that Lian-Li case, since it gets a custom paint job from FrozenCPU.

Oh, and if you do go with the full setup, just know that the two Titans would go in the first and third PCI-e x16 slots, the Quadro would go in the last slot and the Revodrive would go in the second, with the sound card next to it in the x1 slot.

It doesn't matter to me how many computers I have one or two. I'm not the best with watercooling, but I could watch some videos and learn how to. I like the corsair h series cpu coolers. If I had to choose a brand for the gaming rig I would say Nvidia, if I had to choose a brand for the editing PC I would say Quadro. If you combine the systems, go with Nvidia, I don't really want more than 3 graphics cards because the computer's temperatures will get extremely high. Also if you guys/girls, could help me out with monitor, mouse and keyboard suggestions that would be awesome, Thanks! Sorry I couldn't respond I ended up going to bed quite early.

$2000 ssd? wow just get a couple in raid

Builds over $5000 that aren't watercooled....

monitor depends on price range, iff you want to go all out go with this http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&sku=225-4148 its arguably the best 2560x1440p monitor, iff you want to spend a little less either go with the dell s series or the new asus mx series

for mouse go with the razer mamba 4g its amazing http://www.razerzone.com/au-en/gaming-mice/razer-mamba 

and for the keyboard id go with this, its arguably overpriced but it uses cherry mx blue switches and it looks amazing  http://www.razerzone.com/au-en/gaming-keyboards-keypads/razer-blackwidow-ultimate-stealth-2013/ and iff you dont want that you can go with the corsair k90 (for mmo) or the k60 (for fps) http://www.corsair.com/en/gaming-peripherals/gaming-keyboards.html

ive made a build that came up to about $7500 i put a h110 with 4 cougar fans but you should seriously consider watercooling and instead of the 3970x you can wait for the 8 core 3990x thats supposed to come out this month.http://pcpartpicker.com/p/IrMj

this is another config with different gpu's and a better psu
                                                                                                                                                                                  sidenote: the first build gives you better price to performance ratio. 


I think that IPS monitors are the best current display technology, and Asus does make some really good monitors, with this one being of excellent value for the display resolution. I also think that having a Revodrive for the operating system will be of far greater benefit than just about anything else. Just think, windows can boot off a Revodrive in less than, like, five seconds. It is practically instantaneous, and having two standard SSD's in RAID zero would give them adequate volume and very high transfer speeds as well, and you can use some of the massive storage space on the HDDs to mirror a storage and backup drive. Also, in this setup I did decide to stuff two Titans in there despite you saying that they were expensive, but they really do offer some of the best performance in two-way SLI than just about everything else out there. And then a dedicated card for rendering and other processing tasks is an obvious, if expensive, option. 

It is actually a better use of money to buy two GTX Titans as opposed to four GTX 680's, since things scale much better over two-way SLI than over quad SLI. Plus, most mothrboards don't have enough space for four of those and a sound card. Unless, of course, you liquid cool the whole thing.

around 700 more cuda cores

I think Titan is expensive but you have way more cuda cores. adobe will only use the cuda cores of 1 gpu if you are running sli . So 4 680 would be better bang for the buck but the Titan will have more cuda

The 4 680's will generate a lot of heat though won't they? Isn't that dangerous for other components around them?

Not if you have them watercooled, or with really good airflow in the case. The temps will still be really high, so overclocking them without watercooling would be risky.