1 Year Linux Challenge

You'd think they would go with HTML5 by now...

Still working on getting gnome installed.

For Linux there is something called pipelight.

How is everyone doing with their Linux challenge? Just going to install Arch on my chromebook :), Oh the fun I will have getting the power draw down on that thing to match Chrome OS.
Thoughts on anything I could do to it? Going for something a bit more simple this time compared to BSPWM, may have KDE5 (Bit of a ram hog) and have i3 sat in the background for the times I need to look uber geeky :P

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Im on my third year. does this count? (main PC is Manjaro linux, i DO have a windows PC that used JUST for streaming games from, other than that EVERY application i use is a linux application)

if using an operating system is a "challenge" then it pretty much proves its not worth using. I'll stick with something that works, like Windows

The "challenge" is mainly in the fact that just about everyone is trapped inside the Windows garden and hence a lot of stuff is geared towards Windows only. It has nothing to do with the OS being bad or not working. On the contrary, the only machines here that don't give me trouble are the ones running Linux.


Topic cleaned Stay ontopic.
If you dont want to join the 1 year linux challange then dont ruin this thread thanks.


There are many great quality software available on Linux, many of which are listed here: https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/linux-software-list/77465

The software also respects your rights by utilizing many of the FSF tenants and the GPL. Thus far the only video editing software seems to be one that people can't quite find a replacement for on Linux.


I personally think Blender is that replacement. People may not agree with me but to me it's amazing.

For video editing, kdenlive is also not bad.


kdenlive has come a long way recently, many people switching to it.

I've heard that Blender doesn't handle 4k videos well, or videos with a certain length to them. But that's all speculative. Blender is a comparable replacement for software like Zbrush/Cinema4D though.

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I tried to install Arch Linux 7x and failed. On the 7th time, I almost completed it but my eyes were too weary being as it was 4:30 am EST. I did install Manjaro i3 and kept it for 1 day until I got Fedora 23 going. I will be going back to Manjaro i3 after I get my feet settlted in Fedora 23 more.

Blender can replace a lot of things, It's one of the most versatile software I've personally seen.

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Only thing I can't get blender to do is rotate the video 90 degree one way or the other. Any one know how to get it to do that?

Plus I kinda broke my linux install so for now I'm back on my windows drive to get school started but will get the linux drive back up and running soon.

I'm not saying it can't be used for such, just that it has its issues, compared to Windows variants, which people then would be transitioning from

Just picked up a Mac Mini for my iOS programming course I signed up for. Going to be great to be able to master all platforms. Looks great on the resume!

Im sure I saw how to do it in these videos on using blender as a video editor. Link below. From memory you use the transform special effect to do it. Link below to the series. I hope I picked the right video in the series for you.


I was trying to update my system and suddenly wild error appeared. (Fedora 22)

> Total                                                                                                                 224 kB/s | 405 MB     30:50     
> Delta RPMs reduced 554.9 MB of updates to 473.6 MB (14.1% saved)
> warning: /var/cache/dnf/vivaldi-28791f08fe7f70b6/packages/vivaldi-beta-1.0.303.52-2.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID bf1700f8: NOKEY
> The downloaded packages were saved in cache till the next successful transaction.
> You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
> Error: Public key for vivaldi-beta-1.0.303.52-2.x86_64.rpm is not installed

Does that mean I have to remove Vivaldi then update again?

You must import the key.

rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

then update the repo


you can remove the package then update then install the package again. But you may still get the key is not installed error.