1 SSD or 1 SSD and 1 HDD?

Should i get,

1 Samsung 850 Evo 250gb SSD


1 Kingston 120gb SSD and WD Caviar Blue 1tb

Currently I only use around 200gb, so i really dont need much storage, which should I get?

Pure SSD. You can always add storage if the need arises.

I would say get both. This way you have more space and more options. More space means more games, more projects, more movies, whatever you happen to like, at once. More options means that you can prioritize what will benefit from the speed of the SSD, and put those things that don't benefit into the far cheaper per unit storage of the HDD.

As you already have the 2TB drive just get an SSD. Set the SSD to C: and have the 2TB as a data drive. Who knows what the future holds.

im going to get rid of it


If by get rid of it you mean throw the drive away make sure you completely wipe all of the data on the drive using something like secure erase or physically destroy the platters or somebody could still retrieve your data after you've thrown it away

I'm going to give it to my little brother, plus I think the hard drive is close to failure.